The Archive.

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Last updated April 2008 .


28th Feb -2nd March 1997.Botanic Park. Adelaide.

Recordings and set lists.

    For most of the history of Womadelaide the good old Australian Broadcasting Corporation ( affectionately known as Auntie ) has documented the festival. However there have been lapses and rather strange turns in policy ( mostly due to budget cuts ) so there are gaps. Also, the ABC only ever set up recording facilities on stages 1-3 and some of the more interesting acts have appeared elsewhere. So its been left to tapers to fill the gaps here and there.

   Now we at the archive do not condone the unofficial taping of shows , especially for commercial gain, but we are an historical archive so we believe that its part of our function to let people know what music has been preserved over the years by whatever means . We present this list in that spirit , we do not know where you can acquire these recordings , whether they be TV , FM, AM or audience recordings and we will not help anyone in their search to acquire them , so please don't waste your time asking as we won't reply- unless you have some official research project you want help with .

1997 Recordings

 No filming but quite a lot of audio recordings - mostly from the radio , which featured broadcasts at the time of the festival from ZAP FM as well as ABC FM and AM radio and , for the first time, some audience recordings.

Afro Celt Sound System.
Womadelaide Stage One 3-1-97

FM JJJ radio 16 mins

Womadelaide Stage Two 3-2-97

FM 5 mins Audience source 40 minutes.

03-02-/97 Botanic Pk Adelaide

FM source 20 minutes.

Salif Keita

03-01-97 Womadelaide Stage One

  • Africa
  • Nou Pas Bouger
  • Lony

Partial set 50 minute AM - Sunday concert and JJJ

3-2-97 Womadelaide Stage One


Audience source 80 minutes

Midnight Oil

Midnight Oil

Tremendously loud show, I was up the back by the soundboard and you could still hardly hear people speak, god knows how loud it was down the front .

Garrett did say that the older folks who were lurking in the trees should not be afraid to come down closer.

Poor advice, a friend of mine had her eardrum burst at a Memorial Drive Oils show and now she's deaf in that ear !

Audience source 80 minutes.

  • Beds Are Burning
  • White Skin Black Heart
  • Dreamworld
  • Sins Of Omission
  • Underwater
  • King Of The Mountain
  • One Country
  • Eye Contact
  • Truganini
  • E-Beat
  • Warakurna
  • Blue Sky Mine
  • The Dead Heart
  • Power And The Passion


2-28-97 Womadelaide Stage One

  • Bagpipe Tunes
  • The Eye Wifey (fades)

JJJ and Zap FM 7 minutes

3-02-97 Womadelaide Stage Two 40 minutes

  • Whisky Kiss
  • Flick It Up And Catch It
  • McCreedies Own > Good Drying
  • A Song For ?
  • Arthurs Seat
  • Tammienorrie
  • Encore: Paranoia

Richard Thompson

3-1-97 Womadelaide. Stage One

  • Turning of the Tide,
  • I Misunderstood,
  • Don't Sit on my Jimmy Shands,
  • I Feel So Good,
  • The Ghost of You Walks,
  • Vincent Black Lightning,
  • Ghosts in the Wind,
  • Two Left Feet

Zap FM source 20 minutes (incomplete show )

Audience source 50 minutes

. 03-01-97 Interview. ZAP, FM ( FM > cas1>CD)


3-2-97 Womadelaide. Stage Two

  • Easy There, Steady Now,
  • Hide It Away,
  • Waltzings for Dreamers,
  • Hamlet,
  • Shoot Out The lights,
  • Bright Lights,
  • Al Bowlly’s In Heaven,
  • Wall of Death,
  • Valerie

Audience source 45 minutes

Justin Vali Trio

2-28-97 Botanic Park. Womadelaide. FM 10 minutes.
03-01- 97 Botanic Park. Womadelaide. FM 10 minutes.
2-28-97 Botanic Park. Womadelaide.Stage two. Audience source 20 minutes.

Well Oiled Sisters

3-1-97 Womadelaide. Stage two

Audience source 45 minutes

Loudon Wainwright the third.

03-02-97 Womadelaide. Stage two

Audience source 45 minutes

If you have any photos , setlist or recording information you would like to add to this site, please don't hesitate to contact us via the main archive address . Just follow the link .

WomAdelaide 1992-2008 menu

 *indicates page still under construction
Womadelaide 92.
Womadelaide 93
Womadelaide 95.
Womadelaide 97.


The Archive